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In order to grow into healthy and strong adults, it is important to teach children to become physically fit from a young age. Because they are at an important age of physical development, iRemnant provides our students with engaging and active programs that build strength and balance.


Running and playing outside helps with muscle development in young children. It improves metabolism, musculoskeletal adaptation, and builds a stronger respiratory system in bodies. Playing in groups or as a class with classmates also fosters the child’s concentration, self-discipline, patience, and teamwork ethics. As children run, kick, and play in our very own grassy green field, they are able to soak in the natural sunlight and grow as strong and healthy bodies and hearts.

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At an age where skeletal systems are beginning to form into place, ballet helps with developing correct posture, manners, and balance. It also fosters a strong sense and appreciation of the arts. Ballet is not just a form of exercise, but also a form of education that combines music, arts, and fitness to help our children develop into more graceful and healthier beings.

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Tae-kwon-do works out all of the major muscles in the body, from head to toe. Because it is a full body exercise, it helps with developing a child’s healthy and strong body. It also builds self-defense, concentration, positive attitude, confidence, and discipline.

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